Monday, February 14, 2011

This Thing Called "Valentimes" Day

Ahhhh, can't you smell the love in the air, its quite intoxicating. Valentines Day is here again and you know what that means....yep you guessed it....heart shaped stuff, roses that have a 3 day life span, chocolate, and teddy bears.

Its crazy how when I was younger, Valentines Day was a huge thing. I would go to the store and buy the character Valentine's Day cards to pass out to students ( I always got anything that had TMNT or Super Mario) but I always got something special for the girl I liked in the class. After recess, the teacher would have cookies and punch for us to have a Valentine's Day party and you pass out the cards and what not. Then I would give the girl the special gift and she would be appreciative of the gift (I think) but no "relationship" would come out of this gesture.

Fast forward to four years of hell also known as High School, and I wouldn't do the character Valentine's Day card but I still would do the special gift for a female(s). The same thing would happen in high school like it did in elementary school. Side note: one time I accidentally threw a gift to one of the girls I brought something for and she purposefully threw it in the trash....awesome lol. Through those four years of "hell", I started to not care about Valentine's Day because I felt like it was a day that magnified that 1. No female liked me 2.That it reminded me that I was single 3. That those who were in relationships seemed like they were the best things in the world.

This thought lasted up until last year after Valentine's Day. I couldn't allow my past Valentine's Day failures to dictate how I felt about myself. I know what God has for me is for me and when I show my self approved to obtain those things God wants me to have is when I will receive them. As I look back over all of those Valentine's Day crushes I know that there was no way on God's green Earth that I could deal with being in a relationship with my anger and passive aggressive issues that I had when I was younger and in my early 20's (sounds funny to say now). Now that I am older and wiser, I know that I am who I am and people have to take me for more and no less. I know at some point I will be able to celebrate Valentine's Day with a "special lady" and I'll know that she appreciate the intangible things I give her not only Valentine's Day but the other 364 days of the year as well as the plethora of gifts I shower her with lol.

In conclusion, I say all that to say this, don't let your past failures hinder your future victories. Happy Valentine's Day to all.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Somebody to Like

Guess who got a blog......this guy. That's right all the ranting and raving I do in person is now available in electronic form. FYI if anyone saves my blog post for blackmail in the future, I will kick your first born child off of the top of the Washington Monument.

Sooooo....on to the actual topic for this blog.

As I sit here and ponder about all of the females I've "liked" in the past 24 years of my life, I have come to the conclusion that I've only actually liked a handful of them and the others I like a physical attribute they have. If I find myself saying "Damn she got some tig ol' biddies" after the fifth time I have had prolonged interaction with her then I know she isn't one that I need to be trying to date. But if I find myself ecstatic by being around her and having conversation with her (and she isn't bad on the eyes) then she is dating material. My dilemma is that finding that kind of female is far and few between. I'm not sure if its the fact that I'm not going to the right places meeting the right females or if its the fact that society tells a woman that showing your breast and ass like plumage is the way to get a man. I'm not sure.

Hopefully on this road called Life I'll be able to meet someone that stimulates me in all facets of life but until then all I can to is just keep on truckin' and keep on being J. Conrad Turner Jr. because in the end that all I can do.

Peace out Decepticons and Autobots